Friday, 17 January 2014

Orly Country Club Khaki

When Cosmopolitan Magazine was giving away mini Orly nail polishes I picked up two, the gold glitter and Country Club Khaki. I thought Country Club Khaki would be good for nail art and never intended to wear it as a full manicure, however I thought I would just swatch it and see.
I am slightly undecided about this colour, it doesn't look bad on its own but I'm just not sure I would ever wear it like this. It's quite an unusual colour but I think one of the Barry M matte polishes would look exactly the same if you top coated it (and be significantly cheaper than Orly). If you had slightly darker skin than me and were looking for a neutral colour that would make your nails fade into the background this could be it, what I mean by this is if you had had a break and your nail weren't quite even I think you could use this nude polish and people wouldn't notice it, whereas if you used OPI Bubblebath (my go to nude colour) you can still see the white tips so it would be pretty obvious that they were different lengths.
If you wanted to try this colour I would go for Barry M Caramel first and see if you liked it, I think this is slightly greyer but it's also more expensive.

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